Images kindly sent to me by Martin Urry.
Located North of the Johannesburg CBD just off the M1 motorway between Glenhove and Athol Oaklands offramps, the Katyn memorial is in the James & Ethel Grey park.
It is a very simple yet beautiful memorial, designed by Andrzej Romanowicz.
This page has pictures of the memorial and three inscriptions.
From the inscriptions you will see that, in addition to Katyn, the memorial remembers the Warsaw uprising as well as the South African Air Force members who dropped provisions during the uprising. Martin Urry's uncle was one of those men.
Churchill ordered the South Africans to fly from Italy, over enemy controlled territory, to Warsaw to drop supplies. This was a 12 hour flight without any fighter escort which resulted in terrible losses.
The Polish Association hold a service at the memorial early in September each year.

The copyright of these images remains the property of Martin Urry.

Artykuły o zbrodni Katyńskiej w tej witrynie (po polsku i angielsku).
Articles on this site about the Katyn Forest Massacre [in English and Polish].
"Doing justice to the dead."
"Sprawiedliwość dla zmarłych."
"Lost Souls."
"Zagubione dusze."
"Separate memories, separate sorrows."
"Odrębne wspomnienia. Odrębne smutki."
"The Soviet memory hole."
"Podróż w Sowiecką Dziurę w Pamięci."

Michał Synoradzki, Jacek Grodecki, Victoria Plewak. [po polsku]"

Return to the opening page.

Strona Główna (po polsku)

Katyn related sites and LINKS.

Email me.

Stalin's order to shoot the Poles.
A map of the Katyn massacre site.
Katyn related books and videos.
Information about the photos used in this site.
Katyn photos which people have sent me.
1943 Nazi photos of exhumations in Katyn Forest.
Polish language Katyn Forest Massacre lesson from the Association of Polish Teachers Abroad.
The Anglo-Polish agreement of 25 August 1939.
Early German/Soviet co-operation: the Treaty of Rapallo.
The rebellion of Russian troops at Courtine in 1917.
Second Lieutenant Janina Dowbor Musnicki Lewandowska, the Polish woman pilot murdered at Katyn by the Soviets.
A copy of the "legalistic" pretext Tito's "communists" used to murder Professor Doctor Ljudevit Jurak, on 10 June 1945.